Additionally, please download the appropriate returns form from the options below, fill it out and include it with your return shipment.
Costs for shipping returns back to Adamis will have to be borne by customers at this time. However, Adamis will bear the cost of shipping a replacement product back to customers with an India delivery address. Your merchandise may be returned in exchange for a product of a similar value, for general store credit in the amount of the original purchase or for a gift voucher in the amount of the original purchase at your discretion. Please indicate your preference at the time of returning the order.
In the unlikely event that you have received defective merchandise we sincerely apologize. All costs of shipping the product back to us will be reimbursed in the form of equivalent store credit. Also, costs of shipping the replacement product back to you will be borne by Adamis worldwide. Alternatively, we will offer a full refund, including for return shipping charges borne by you, which will be given within 12 days in the form that the original payment was received. Additionally, if you prefer, your merchandise may also be returned in exchange for a product of a similar value, for general store credit in the amount of the original purchase or for a gift voucher in the amount of the original purchase at your discretion. Please indicate your preference at the time of returning the order.
All returns sent by mail may be shipped to the following address:
Attn: Returns
48, Colaba Causeway,
Mumbai 400 001
For locations of our Adamis stores, please visit our Store Locator.
Terms and conditions
1. Price adjustments on previous purchases are not permitted.
2. We do not accept returns or exchange of seasonal and/or sale merchandise purchased on clearance or at a discount to the original MRP. This includes goods purchased at a discount against redemption of Loyalty points.
3. We do not accept returns of items that have been personalized in any fashion.
4. As a courtesy to our customers, all costs of shipping returns back to Adamis, for orders with an India delivery address, will be reimbursed in the form of equivalent store credit.(except in the case of defective items)
5. No refunds will be granted except in the case of defective items
6. Determination of new, unused and defective product conditions will be at the discretion of Adamis.
7. Returns will only be processed if they are accompanied by the original order receipt.
Repairs policy

In most cases Adamis performs repairs free of charge. In case of material replacement or where major repairs are needed, a charge will apply. Before proceeding with such a repair, an Adamis representative will contact you to inform you of the nature of the repair and the specific charge that will apply. Repairs will only proceed after your consent in such cases.
Every product has a specific life period. ADAMIS has the best intentions to provide an optimum repairs service to all our customers, however despite our best efforts, some products may be beyond repairs. In such cases, ADAMIS cannot be held respondsible for non repair of the products and the Lifetime Repairs Warranty will not apply to them.
Finally, please note that our repair process takes four to six weeks from the time we receive your product before it is shipped back to you.